Stations Of The Cross

These Youth Stations of the Cross formed an outdoor Way of the Cross in Ansdell during Lent 2021. All are painted or drawn by our own young people in the parish and also in Years 7 and 8 at St Bede’s High School. After Easter they will be hung in St. Joseph’s Parish Hall.


I – Jesus is Condemned to Death:

Pilate gave the crowd what it wanted, set Barabbas free and turned Jesus over for whipping and crucifixion.
Reflect: Hateful plots and lies,…injustice prevails. Start each day with ‘Good morning Jesus and thank you’, and walk with Him.

II – Jesus Takes Up His Cross:

After the soldiers had had their fun, they marched him out to nail him to the cross.
Pray: “Thy will be done.” Take some time this week to appreciate all you have and all that is good in your life. Ask to do God’s will.

3rd Station
III Jesus Falls the First Time:
The guards dragged our Lord with cruelty and violence and he stumbled and fell.
Consider: Shock, pain and weakness. Spend some time this week with Mark’s gospel in reading and reflection. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

4th Station
IV Jesus Meets His Mother:

After the soldiers had had their fun, they marched him out to nail him to the cross.
Pray: “Thy will be done.” Take some time this week to appreciate all you have and all that is good in your life. Ask to do God’s will.

Station Five
V Simon Helps Jesus:
There was a man walking by, Simon from Cyrene, they made him carry Jesus’ cross.
Give: a helping hand. Take time to be aware and think how to help others and lighten their load.

Station Six

VI Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus:
With bravery and love, Veronica uses her veil to wipe Jesus’ face.
Offer: a healing and tender touch. Take time to give – this is not a time to be selfish..

VII Jesus falls the Second time:
As he stumbled and fell and hit against the stones, new wounds opened up, especially on his knees.
Imagine: Bang, more blood and pain.
Take time to be quiet – it is the opportunity to seek God.

VIII Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem:
Jesus turned to the women and said, Daughters of Jerusalem, don’t cry for me. Cry for yourselves and your children.
Pause:A suffering servant.
Take time to be friendly – who can you comfort?.

IX – Jesus Falls for a Third Time:
The hard wood of the cross hit against his head and the thorns of the crown became further embedded into any unwounded flesh that was left.
Stop: A mound of sins which crippled Jesus.
Spend time in prayer – it is the greatest power on earth and heaven

X – Jesus is Stripped of His Clothing:
The soldiers brought Jesus to Golgotha, meaning “Skull Hill”.
Remember: “This is my body.” Consider Jesus’ great gift to you, to all of us. Trust yourself totally to God.

XI – Jesus is Nailed to the Cross:
They divided up his clothes and threw dice to see who would get them.
Feel: Brutality and excruciating pain.
Think who do I neglect or ignore or cause pain to? Ask for and accept God’s forgiveness and pass it on

XII – Jesus Dies on the Cross:
“It is finished.”
Wonder: He stayed human to the end.
Stand with Mary and St. John at the foot of the cross and gaze on Jesus’ face, the Son of God.

XIII – Jesus is taken down from the Cross:
Having already purchased a linen shroud, Joseph of Arimathea took him down and wrapped him in a shroud.
Think: “Here is your mother”.
Take time to grieve and then like Mary live in hope.

XIV – Jesus is laid in the Tomb:
Joseph placed him in the tomb that had been cut into the rock, and rolled a large stone across the opening.
Hear: “This is my beloved Son.
We are restored. Identify one step you can take to build a just future for all..