The Parish of St Josephs is blessed with an amazing richness of talent. There are a number of groups and activities that are an essential part of parish life here at St Joseph’s.
You can find out more about some of them below. Others have their own page, which you can access using the menu above.
Please join in.
Altar Servers
Please consider volunteering to serve at our masses – young and not so young are all very welcome. All training, support and encouragement will be given including our own Serving at St Joseph’s publication.
If you would like further information, or just to chat about what is involved, please feel welcome to contact Fr. David or email this website. Thank you.
Book and Card Stall
Open at the back of Church on Saturdays at 5:30pm and before and after 9.30 morning Mass on Sunday.
Contact Margaret Gregory in person or email this website.
Children’s Liturgy
Each Sunday, children between the ages of 3 and 11 are invited into the Presbytery to explore the Liturgy of the Word. This is done by discussion and activities, and is designed to help them understand how Jesus wants them to live their lives. We have a team of people who work with our children each week.
Would you consider joining the Children’s Liturgy group? No experience is needed, just a wish to help our younger children take part in a meaningful liturgy. We have all the books necessary and help would be given. If you feel you could help, please contact Christine Woods or email this website if you are interested.
The rota is under the rota section of the website, or click here.
The cleaning of St Joseph’s – no qualifications are required! Just a willing desire to keep our beautiful Church clean and ‘ship-shape’. Helpers of any age and either sex are welcome. An hour a week, or a fortnight, as our present two teams struggle to carry on, is all that’s required! Is it too much to ask of our able parishioners to wield a brush to get into the corners, ‘tame’ our Dyson vacuum cleaner or perhaps use a duster and polish occasionally when we have the time?
With more volunteers we could split the cleaning rota into more teams with cleaning duties perhaps only once a month.
The pleasure we gain on leaving our sparkling clean church after, of course, our well-earned cup of tea, far outweighs the effort we have put in.
So do please give Church cleaning a try.
Our Cleaners List has shrunk again!
Where can we find some more?
The hours are easy and the work is light.
Please just walk through the door!
Help to keep our lovely Church in top condition by giving a couple of hours per fortnight.
Whether male or female, please contact Pat Metcalfe or email this website.
Coffee After Mass
There is a team who arrange coffee in the church hall after 9.30am Sunday Mass. On the 4th Sunday of each month (after the children’s Mass) bacon and sausage butties are available too – yum!
Please email this website if you would like to help out.
The rota is under the rota section of the website, or click here.
Eucharistic Ministers
The parish is blessed with 43 Special Ministers of the Eucharist who assist at all Masses in the distribution of Communion and take the Eucharist to the sick and housebound of the parish weekly.
Please contact Anne Cawthorn or email here if you have any questions concerning the Eucharistic Ministers.
If you know of anyone who would like to receive Communion at home please contact Fr David directly.
Would any minister who is unable to officiate please arrange your own replacement. A list of special ministers telephone numbers is available on the reverse side of the rota kept in the sacristy.
The rota is under the rota section of the website, or click here.
The Government supplements taxpayers’ offerings to the Church if you sign a Gift Aid Declaration.
Email this website for more details.
Hospice 200 Club
The association was formed in 1986 by the then Parish Priest, Canon Fleming. A “100 Club” was formed, to raise money for the hospice, with prizes from the fund and donations to Trinity Hospice to be paid twice a year.
Several of the original committee served through to the year 2000 by when the membership had surpassed the original 100 target. With continuing support membership has now reached 200, the club being re-named “200 Club”.
New members are always welcome. The subscription is £11 per year, paid in October. The draws take place in November and May each year. Donations are made to the Hospice after each draw. More information about the work of the Hospice is available here. You can email this website for more details.
Mass Readers
There is a team of readers for Sunday Masses, and a team for week-days.
Please contact David Warwick or email this website if you would like to join the rota, or speak to Rosemary Page at any week-day Mass.
The rota is under the rota section of the website, or click here. Its is also in the drawer in the sacristy.
Liturgy Planning
This group meets approximately every 6 weeks under the leadership of Fr David to review the liturgies of the parish and plan forthcoming services. Membership is flexible and anyone is welcome to join for any period of time.
Mass Welcomers
There is a team of welcomers for Sunday Masses
Please contact David Warwick or email this website if you would like to join the rota
The rota is under the rota section of the website, or click here.
The choir and instrumentalists for the 9:30 Sunday Mass practise in the Presbytery.
Contact Ann Zammit in person or email this website.
Social Group
This group takes responsibility for fund raising and building our parish community through social activities such as Fayres, Cheese and Wine evenings, BBQs, Garden Parties, Raffles, Treasure Hunts and much more.
Tea and Chat
A fortnightly get together on Friday afternoons.
Contact Margaret Long in person or email this website.
The Catenians
The Catenian Association is an international group of Catholic men promoting family life through social contact and charitable giving. The Lytham St Annes branch, or Circle, is growing and many of its members are actively involved in the life of parish communities. The Circle meets once a month. For further details specific to this Circle visit here, or see the main Catenians website at