
28th July 2024


Message from Fr. Peter: 
This Monday we celebrate a relatively new Feast in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church, that of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, the Holy Family of Bethany. The Church has always celebrated St. Martha, on January 29th, but there was a level of uncertainty as to the actual identity of her sister Mary, who over the years has become confused and identified with Mary of Magadala (there are several Mary’s in the Scriptures, not least, of course, our Blessed Mother Mary). As those Scriptural issues have now been sorted out, a couple of years ago Pope Francis put Monday’s Feast into the Calendar. In his instructions to celebrate this Feast, Pope Francis said, ‘in the household of Bethany the Lord Jesus experienced the family spirit and friendship of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, and for this reason, the Gospel of John states that He loved them.’ Each of the three siblings, as well as showing personal friendship and hospitality to Jesus, all had their own individual journeys of faith intimately touched by the Lord. Mary intently listened to the teaching of the Lord, whilst Martha served him, and they both professed their faith in him as the Resurrection and the Life, their strong faith in the throes of bereavement at the death of Lazarus, causing Jesus to show his divinity in raising their brother from the dead. After the resurrection we are told that some people tried to kill Lazarus, but tradition has it that the family escaped together (despite someone putting holes in their boat) to Cyprus, where Lazarus became a Bishop, and where they all died peacefully. (Another tradition has them turning up in France, but this might be linked to the confusion with Mary Magdalene). Today is a feast about family, faith, and time spent with the Lord, getting to know him in an ever deeper and personal way. O God, whose Son called Lazarus to life from the grave, and was pleased to be welcomed in Martha’s house as a guest, grant, we pray, that, serving faithfully our brother and sisters, we may merit, with Mary, to be fed by meditating on your words. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

This Friday 2nd August: 
First Friday Mass and Anointing of the Sick at St. Joseph’s at 2pm, followed by Refreshments in the Parish Hall.

Last Week’s Race Night: 
what a great night we had, such a great atmosphere and so nice to see both parishes together raising a whopping £585.10! This is a fabulous amount to be shared between the SVP at SP’s & St Joseph’s Care at SJ’s, both great causes! A Massive thanks to everyone who’s been involved in this event in whatever way – everyone who prepared and ran the evening, the Ukulele Orchestra, and everyone young and old who came along. Big thanks and well done to all.

Next Monday 5th August: 
Evening Prayer at St. Peter’s at 7pm in honour of The Immaculate Heart of Mary in preparation for the Centenary of the Diocese

From Jerusalem to English Standard: 
to introduce us to the new translation of the readings coming in Advent, each week we will have a verse or two from the present translation, the Jerusalem Bible, and the new one, The English Standard Version Catholic Edition. 
This week: Matthew 5:1-3
Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up the hill. There he sat down and was joined by his disciples. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them: ‘How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’
 English Standard: 
Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up on the mountain. And when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: ‘Blessed are the poor in Spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven’.
Note that Jesus goes up a Mountain, in line with the Old Testament prophets who preached from Mountains and like Moses who received the Ten commandments on Mount Sinai, as well as the much better translation of ‘Blessed’ for the Greek ‘Makarios’ which is Greek for a happiness that only God can give.

Burkina Faso:
Our 2024 appeal will run through to the end of August. There are envelopes on Our Lady’s stand at the back of church, simply place your donation inside and return via the offertory collection. Thank you. Edwina Gillett.

Mass Intentions:
Mass Intentions, for the deceased, the bereaved, for the sick, the Holy Souls, are always welcome, and offering envelopes are available at the back of Church, and Mass cards are available from the Holy Shops after Sunday Masses. Sanctuary Lamp: If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention, please place the details and date wanted in an envelope with a £20 donation and clearly note Sanctuary Lamp on the outside. This can be placed in the offertory collection basket. The lamp will burn for a full week From Sunday to Saturday, and the intention will be published on the Newsletter.

Catholic Voice

latest copy can be found here

CAFOD’s work in Sierra Leone:
On Saturday 20th July, from 4pm – 5 pm, you are warmly invited to Our Lady & St Gerard’s Church, Lostock Hall, Preston (PR5 5TB), to hear CAFOD’s Michel Monginda-Mondengele speak about his direct experience of CAFOD’s impact in Sierra Leone. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Patrick Gardner if you require further details

Please remember to let us know if you or one of your family is being admitted hospital.

Coffee & Bacon Butties: 
will be available in the church hall after the 9.15am Mass. Why not come and enjoy a chat.

St Joseph’s Care:
Do you know of anyone in our community who is in need or might need a little more support? Company or just someone to talk to? Someone who may, at times, need help with things? Please let us know and we can contact them. Or you can give them our St Joseph’s Care phone number so they can contact us Tel: 07840112265

St Joseph’s Facebook Page:
We now have over 300 people regularly following us on Facebook which is allowing us to reach out to those in the wider community and fulfil our parish commitment to evangelisation. In the last couple of months we have been able to help a number of people who have sought assistance through this medium.