9th February 2025
Message from Father Peter:
And so it is that after several weeks hard work, including the weekend which I reported in last weeks ‘message’ our twenty-seven candidates for confirmation will be receiving this great Sacrament. The Gift of Confirmation enables two things; the candidates receive the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit, completing their initiation into the Catholic faith which was begun years ago at the baptisms, and journeyed through their reception of the Eucharist, to this day; and the Sacrament also enables the candidates, instead of their Godparents and Parents as at their baptism, to make their own profession of faith. The Gifts of the Spirit, introduced to us by St. Paul, are outlined in the prayer which the Bishop will pray over all the candidates, ‘Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgement and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence… the spirit of wonder and awe.’ What incredible gifts! But how many of those gifts can we honestly say we have used since the moment of our own Confirmations? As we congratulate our young people (and one Dad!) let us ourselves make a twofold promise; firstly to remind ourselves of the gifts of the Spirit that we have received and pledge to use them more often in the service of God and his Church, and secondly to do all we can to allow these gifts to grow and flourish in the young people of our Parishes. And may God, and His Holy Spirit bless us all, through his anointed Son, Amen. Incidentally, a guy phoned last week and asked ‘How much it is to rent a church music group?’. I said, ‘do you mean a choir?’. He said, ‘Alright, how much does it cost to acquire a church music group?’ I’ll get my coat…
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes:
This Tuesday is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Patroness of this Diocese of Lancaster. The Bishop will celebrate Mass at 12.15 in the Cathedral (at which the choir from the Cathedral primary school will sing). He will also celebrate vespers at 6pm in the cathedral. All welcome to these celebrations. Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Cuthbert, Pray for us.
Confirmation 2025:
Please pray for our twenty-seven candidates who will make this important step in the faith journey, as we welcome Bishop Paul this Monday evening at 6:30pm. Huge thanks to our amazing catechists, and our wonderful candidates who have worked so hard over the past month.
Trinity Hospice:
Our 2025 Appeal for Trinity has now been launched and we will be collecting after the weekend masses at both Churches, this weekend and next. A ‘Just Giving’ page has also been set up to accept donations – large or small – and this can be found at: www.justgiving.com/page/dennis-duignan-10. Taxpayers can add Gift Aid to their donation. (You do not have to make a contribution to ‘Just Giving Admin’ just opt to ‘customise amount’ and enter £0.00). If you have any questions, please contact Dennis Duignan (number in this weeks bulletin).
Christmas Cribs:
The Christmas Cribs have now been put away until next Advent. Many thanks to those who put them up, put them away, and kept them tidy throughout the season, and to everyone who works behind the scenes in our churches throughout the year.
Rome Intentions:
In a couple of weeks' time I will be going to Rome on a mini (though jam packed) Pilgrimage, which will include entrance to St. Peter’s through the Jubilee Holy Door, an audience with Pope Francis, as well as two Masses in St. Peter’s. One of the masses I would like to say for all your intentions, so if you have any particular intentions to be included in that mass, drop them on a piece of paper in the envelope at the back of Church and I will include them, and you all, in my prayers.
Diocesan Pilgrimages for the Holy Year:
Lindisfarne 21-23 May 2025 with Bishop Paul. Accommodation at Ushaw College with visits to Lindisfarne, Bamburgh and Durham Cathedral. Full board and lodging: £310 for shared / £340 for single If interested, please contact us via email: info@christ-the-good-shepherd.co.uk for a booking form.
Lourdes Pilgrimage: ‘With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope.’ 23rd – 30th July. Details and booking forms on the notice boards at the back of Church or at: www.joewalshtours.co.uk
Walsingham: 20-24 October 2025 £475.00-£550.00 (dependent on accommodation type). For more information and booking details contact the pilgrimage organiser Deacon Charlie Conner via email charlie.conner@lrdc.org.uk
Talking of Pilgrimages:
there is a suggestion SJSP’s might have a mini Pilgrimage to Lourdes this Summer? Four nights 3rd-7th June, £650 sharing, £749 single. If interested mention it to FrP or DeaconD and we’ll get some forms out soon. Cheers
Catholic Voice
latest copy can be found here.
Email Address:
The Diocese is changing all email addresses. The one email for our two parishes is now sjsp.lsa@lrcd.org.uk. Please do whatever you have to do to use this email from now on. Cheers.
SJSP 2025 Calendars:
SJSP 2025 Calendars still available at just £5.
Please remember to let us know if you or one of your family is being admitted to hospital.
Coffee & Bacon Butties:
Will be available in the church hall after the 9:15am Mass. Why not come and enjoy a chat.
St Joseph’s Care:
Do you know of anyone in our community who is in need or might need a little more support? Company or just someone to talk to? Someone who may, at times, need help with things? Please let us know and we can contact them. Or you can give them our St Joseph’s Care phone number so they can contact us: Tel: 07840112265.
St Joseph’s Facebook Page:
We now have over 300 people regularly following us on Facebook which is allowing us to reach out to those in the wider community and fulfill our parish commitment to evangelization. In the last couple of months, we have been able to help a number of people who have sought assistance through this medium.