Catholic Life and Safeguarding
Every human being has a value and dignity, which we as Catholics recognise as coming directly from God’s creation of male and female in his own image and likeness.
Safeguarding is about attitudes and activities, which promote the dignity, wellbeing, and safety of all those who participate in any activity facilitated by the Church.
Church activities must be well planned so that avoidable risks are foreseen and minimized. Safeguarding is about responding when there are concerns that someone may not be safe or secure.
Who’s who in Safeguarding?
Every member of the Catholic community is in the team! We must all look out for the more vulnerable members of our church community.
Your St. Joseph’s Safeguarding Representatives are Wanda Kruszynska and Sheila Stevens.
If you would like to discuss Safeguarding at St. Joseph’s or need to report any concerns, please talk to us or phone: 07426 834464
The Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator is Jane Robinson, who together with her team, is based in Preston.
For more information, please see the Lancaster Diocese website.
E-learning Programme
If you have a role working with children, young people, or adults who may be vulnerable, or if you are a parent or grandparent who wants to understand online safety, then you may wish to enrol on one of the e-learning safeguarding programmes.
This e-learning package is free and is part of the Church’s commitment to safeguarding, recognising we all have a role to play in creating a safe environment.
For more information, please refer to the Diocesan website or email: