23rd March 2025
Lent 2025 at St. Joseph’s and St. Peter’s:
Masses 9am at SP’s, 10am and 7pm at SJ’s.
Ashes will be blessed and distributed at all Masses.
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament:
Saturdays in Lent at St. Joseph’s 5pm-5:50pm
Sundays in Lent at St. Peter’s 4pm-5pm
Stations of the Cross and Benediction:
Mondays at SP’s at 7pm and Tuesdays at SJ’s at 7pm
Lenten Service of Reconciliation (with Our Lady Star of the Sea)
Thursday 10th April 7pm at SJ’s
Message from Pope Francis Reflecting from Hospital:
The walls of hospitals have heard more honest prayers than churches… It is in these moments, when the hospital touches the wounds of people, that different worlds intersect according to a divine design. And in this communion of destinies, we realize that alone, we are nothing. The absolute truth of people, most of the time, only reveals itself in moments of pain or in the real threat of an irreversible loss. A hospital is a place where human beings remove their masks and show themselves as they truly are, in their purest essence. This life will pass quickly, so do not waste it fighting with people. You are waiting for too much: Christmas, Friday, next year, when you have money, when love arrives, when everything is perfect… Listen, perfection does not exist. A human being cannot attain it because we are simply not made to be fulfilled here. Here, we are given an opportunity to learn. So, make the most of this trial of life -and do it now. Respect yourself, respect others. Walk your own path, and let go of the path others have chosen for you. Respect: do not comment, do not judge, do not interfere. Love more, forgive more, embrace more, live more intensely! And leave the rest in the hands of the Creator.
First Reconciliation and Holy Communion:
The fourth session for Candidates is this Monday in Church at 6pm., at which they will make their First Reconciliation. Please pray for our children on this important step in their faith journeys.
Fr Peter’s Lenten Challenge House Appeal:
I am trying to raise £3000 to build a house (with lockable doors and windows) for a family with children with Albinism, to help save them from cruelty from within their own society, and abduction and torture from others. My challenge is to make a crafted cross – and I’m fully up to speed! Samples are at the back of Church now, and each of the children will receive one at the First Confession on Monday. All donations are gratefully accepted, and envelopes are available at the back of Church. Please check out the pictures from Fr. Stephen in Malawi, and many thanks in anticipation.
CAFOD Lent Appeal:
Please place envelopes in the collection or basket sat the back of Church. Parishioners from both Parishes are counting their steps over Lent to raise money, and you can contribute online and see how we are doing here. Thank you.
Bell Ropes:
The ropes have been repaired, and the bells are able to ring again. We are very grateful for the generosity of our parish family as there was much support for this cause. Thank you. The Bell Ringers
Jubilee Icon:
In order to celebrate and commemorate the Jubilee Year, CAFOD and the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales have commissioned an icon depicting Jesus announcing the year of the Lord’s favour. The icon will visit Lancaster Diocese from 26th March to 1st April and will be on display in the Lady Chapel at St Peter’s Cathedral in Lancaster. To help you to reflect on the meaning of this special year, CAFOD will be hosting a short prayer and reflection time with the icon in the Lady Chapel after the 12.15pm weekday Mass each day. All Welcome.
Message from Fr. Philip Newbold.
I am undertaking a Sponsored Walk of 10,000 paces for the 40 days of Lent. It is to support the work of “Aid to the Church in Need” & a project on the border area between Lebanon/Syria. The project provides a hot meal each weekday for 1500 people. Many are refugees from Syria & displaced Lebanese, after their own country was bombed. You may like to sponsor me? If so, there are sponsor sheets in church, so include your address & postcode if you wish to Gift Aid your donation.
SJSP’s mini Pilgrimage to Lourdes this Summer.
Four nights 3rd-7th June, £650 sharing, £749 single. Forms available from FrP and Deacon D now if anyone would like to come along! If you have a form, please return deposits and forms to FrP or Deacon D. Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.
Dates for the Diary, Upcoming SJSP Social Events:
Wednesday 9th April: Easter Bingo at St. Peter’s
Sunday May 11th: Afternoon Tea & Entertainment in SJ’s Hall 3-5pm
Saturday June 28th: Lytham Club Day
Sunday July 13th: BBQ and Summer Games in SJ’s Garden
Watch this Space for More Details!
Diocesan Pilgrimages for the Holy Year:
Lindisfarne: 21-23 May Email: info@christ-the-good-shepherd.co.uk
Lourdes: ‘With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope.’ 23rd – 30th July. Details and booking forms at: (https://joewalshtours.co.uk)
Walsingham: 20-24 October 2025 £475.00-£550.00. For booking details contact Deacon Charlie Conner - email charlie.conner@lrdc.org.uk
Catholic Voice
latest copy can be found here.
Email Address:
The Diocese is changing all email addresses. The one email for our two parishes is now sjsp.lsa@lrcd.org.uk. Please do whatever you have to do to use this email from now on. Cheers.
SJSP 2025 Calendars:
SJSP 2025 Calendars still available at just £5.
Please remember to let us know if you or one of your family is being admitted to hospital.
Coffee & Bacon Butties:
Will be available in the church hall after the 9:15am Mass. Why not come and enjoy a chat.
St Joseph’s Care:
Do you know of anyone in our community who is in need or might need a little more support? Company or just someone to talk to? Someone who may, at times, need help with things? Please let us know and we can contact them. Or you can give them our St Joseph’s Care phone number so they can contact us: Tel: 07840112265.
St Joseph’s Facebook Page:
We now have over 300 people regularly following us on Facebook which is allowing us to reach out to those in the wider community and fulfill our parish commitment to evangelization. In the last couple of months, we have been able to help a number of people who have sought assistance through this medium.