
14th July 2024

Fr. Harry Holden.
It is with sadness that we announce the death of Father Harry. After many years of priestly ministry, we pray for the repose of his soul. Lord God, you chose our brother Harry to serve your people as a priest and to share the joys and burdens of their lives. Look with mercy on him and give him the reward of his labours, the fullness of life promised to those who preach your holy Gospel. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Message from Fr. Peter:
This Tuesday at SJ’s at 11:30am it will be our privilege to celebrate the Requiem of Fr. Harry Holden led by the Bishop, followed by a committal at the Crematorium, at which I will have the privilege of presiding. Although there is no official Deanery Mass or Reception service, there will also be a Mass at SJs at 7pm on Monday night for the repose of Fr. Harry’s soul. Fr. Harry was born in Lytham Saint Anne’s on 13th April 1935 to parents Harry and Madge. He attended St Gregory’s R.C. School in Preston before going to St Joseph’s College, Upholland where he completed his seminary years, being ordained on 27th May 1961 in Preston. After serving in many parishes around the Diocese and also a stint as secretary to Bishop Pearson, Fr. Harry retired in April 2010 and spent his retirement years in Saint Anne’s on the Sea. Our prayers are with Fr. Harry’s family. May he rest in peace. Lord God, you chose our brother Harry to serve your people as a priest and to share the joys and burdens of our lives. Look with mercy on him and give him the reward of his labours, the fullness of live promised to those who preach your holy Gospel. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

School Leavers Mass:
This Wednesday at 9am at Saint Peter’s our school will join us for an end of term Mass to celebrate the great year. Everyone welcome. And well done to Year 6 for a lovely leavers mass last Wednesday evening in Church.

The New Lectionaries:
many thanks to those who have already offered to donate copies of the New Lectionary for Advent onwards. Books are still available, and there will be a retiring collection today to defray costs towards the outstanding volumes. Many thanks.

Huge thanks for the great collection of food in both our Churches last weekend on the monthly ‘Food Sunday’; it is always much needed and much appreciated.

Catholic Voice

latest copy can be found here

It’s Race Night at St. Peters on Friday 19th July at 7pm:
Bring your drinks and nibbles, and get ready for the tote!
Eight Races with Eight Horses, to sponsor and bet upon on the night!
Tickets for the Race Night available after mass on Sunday, price £1

Burkina Faso:
Our 2024 appeal will run through to the end of August. There are envelopes on Our Lady’s stand at the back of church, simply place your donation inside and return via the offertory collection. Thank you. Edwina Gillett.

CAFOD’s work in Sierra Leone:
On Saturday 20th July, from 4pm – 5 pm, you are warmly invited to Our Lady & St Gerard’s Church, Lostock Hall, Preston (PR5 5TB), to hear CAFOD’s Michel Monginda-Mondengele speak about his direct experience of CAFOD’s impact in Sierra Leone. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Patrick Gardner if you require further details

Mass Intentions:
Mass Intentions, for the deceased, the bereaved, for the sick, the Holy Souls, are always welcome, and offering envelopes are available at the back of Church, and Mass cards are available from the Holy Shops after Sunday Masses. Sanctuary Lamp: If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention, please place the details and date wanted in an envelope with a £20 donation and clearly note Sanctuary Lamp on the outside.

Please remember to let us know if you or one of your family is being admitted hospital.

Coffee & Bacon Butties: 
will be available in the church hall after the 9.15am Mass. Why not come and enjoy a chat.

St Joseph’s Care:
Do you know of anyone in our community who is in need or might need a little more support? Company or just someone to talk to? Someone who may, at times, need help with things? Please let us know and we can contact them. Or you can give them our St Joseph’s Care phone number so they can contact us Tel: 07840112265

St Joseph’s Facebook Page:
We now have over 300 people regularly following us on Facebook which is allowing us to reach out to those in the wider community and fulfil our parish commitment to evangelisation. In the last couple of months we have been able to help a number of people who have sought assistance through this medium.